Sosem szerveztünk korábban konferenciát. Pláne nem nemzetközit, a világ minden pontjáról érkező előadókkal. Ezért - mi tagadás - volt bennünk némi drukk, amikor november 14-én a CEU auditóriumában elsötétült a terem, és a színpadon megjelent a műsorvezetőnk, Szilágyi Anna nyelvész.
Az egyenlő házasságról tartott nemzetközi konferenciánkra a Stanfordtól a londoni King’s College-ig a világ számos pontjáról érkeztek az elismert kutatók, akik a magyar szakemberekkel közösen jogi, vallási, pszichológiai, szociológiai és gazdasági szempontból is körüljárták a témát.
A következő órák végül minden előzetes várakozásunkat felülmúlták. Felemelő volt megtapasztalni azt a hozzáértést, odafigyelést és egymás felé fordulást, amit az előadókon és a résztvevőkön láttunk.
A család az család kampányunk célja mindig is az volt, hogy tényeken és megbízható kutatásokon alapuló, higgadt és egymás érveire odafigyelő párbeszéd induljon a családok sokszínűségéről, és a szivárványcsaládban élő több mint négyezer magyar kisgyerek helyzetéről, akit a hazai törvények a társaikhoz képest jogilag kiszolgáltatott helyzetben tartanak. Ez a párbeszéd négy éve, 2020 őszén indult. Azóta bemutattuk Magyarország első szivárványcsaládos mesekönyvét, kampányt indítottunk az azonos nemű párok által nevelt gyerekek jogaiért, kártyajátékot és podcast sorozatot készítettünk a családok sokféleségéről. A konferenciával a párbeszéd tudományos alapokon folytatódott.
Nagyon köszönjük minden résztvevőnek, aki eljött és hozzátett a közös gondolkodáshoz. Nagyon köszönjük mindenkinek, aki segített, hogy a konferencia megvalósulhasson!
Professor of Psichology, Birkbeck University
Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester
Commonwealth Professor. University of Virginia
Freedom to Marry
NGO Blue Cross Norway
Clinical Psychologist,
Reichman University
Deputy Chairman,
Professor of Sociology, Stanford University
Psychologist, family and couple therapist, LGBTQI-affirmative counseling
Director of the Legal Program, Háttér Society
Co-Director of Yes Equality Campaign, Ireland
Sociologist, project coordinator, Háttér Society
Associate professor of psychology, Eötvös Loránd University
Director of LGBT Rights Advocacy China, Co-founder of China Marriage Equality Network
Director of Communications, Open for Business
Jewish community organiser, cultural manager
CEO of WeAreOpen
Professor of Human Rights Law, King’s College London
Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Professor of Sexual and Gender Diversity in Families and Youth, University of Amsterdam
Senior legal expert at the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
Research Professor at the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences
9:00 - 9:15
Nyitó beszéd
9:15 - 9:30
A word from the organizer "Family is family" foundation.
9:30 - 9:50
This presentation will explore the intersection between the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and Hungarian law, focusing on key issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. It will cover legal challenges and developments related to same-sex marriage, the right to LGB expression, second-parent adoption, and access to donor insemination. By comparing European human rights standards with Hungary's legal framework, the presentation will highlight both the progress and limitations within the national context.
9:50 - 10:20
This presentation will explore the legal and constitutional framework surrounding marriage equality in Hungary. It will examine the current restrictions on same-sex marriage under Hungarian law, as well as the possibilities for reform within the existing constitutional setting. The talk will analyze the impact of national and international legal standards, political discourse, and societal attitudes on the recognition of marriage equality. By addressing both the limitations and potential pathways for change, the presentation will offer a comprehensive view of the future of LGBTQ+ rights in Hungary.
Kávé szünet
10:20 - 10:40
Kerekasztal beszélgetés
10:40 - 11:30
This presentation will delve into the social factors influencing the recognition of rainbow families and same-sex marriage. It will examine the legal, cultural, and societal conditions that shape the acceptance and acknowledgment of LGBTQ+ families. The talk will explore the challenges rainbow families face in gaining equal rights and societal validation, as well as the progress made in promoting inclusivity and recognition. Through this lens, the presentation aims to highlight the ongoing struggle for equality and the broader implications for social justice.
Interaktív workshop
10:40 - 11:40
Join us for a one-hour event where you can discover our new Inclusive Design service and explore our guide in a playful, yet thought-provoking way. With intriguing characters and engaging topics, our main goal is to break the silence, encourage bold questions, and inspire new perspectives on making workplaces more inclusive and LGBTQ-friendly.
11:30 - 11:50
This presentation will explore the evolving public attitudes towards marriage equality in the United States, focusing on the gradual liberalization of support for same-sex marriage. It will analyze key factors contributing to this shift, such as changing cultural norms, advocacy efforts, and legal milestones like the Supreme Court's decision on Obergefell v. Hodges. The talk will also examine the role of generational differences, political influences, and media in shaping public opinion, offering insights into the broader social transformation around LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S.
11:50 - 12:10
This presentation will review key findings from the 34-year US Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study, one of the longest-running studies of its kind. It will examine the development, well-being, and outcomes of children raised by lesbian parents from birth through adulthood. The talk will highlight significant insights into family dynamics, the impact of societal attitudes, and the psychological and social health of both parents and children. By presenting long-term data, the study offers valuable evidence on the resilience and strengths of lesbian-parent families over multiple decades.
Kerekasztal beszélgetés
12:10 - 12:50
This presentation will examine the intertwined progress of marriage equality and couple adoption rights for same-sex couples in the UK. It will highlight how legal advancements in both areas have fostered greater equality and protection for LGBTQ+ families. Additionally, the talk will discuss the positive impact of gay parenthood on the well-being and resilience of sexual minority individuals throughout their lives, emphasizing the protective and stabilizing role of inclusive family structures. The presentation will provide insights into the social and legal implications of these developments for the broader LGBTQ+ community.
12:50 - 13:05
This presentation will explore the evolving landscape of marriage and parenting among LGBTQ+ individuals in the United States. It will cover key legal milestones, including the legalization of same-sex marriage, and their impact on family formation. The talk will examine the unique challenges and experiences faced by LGBTQ+ parents, including adoption, surrogacy, and donor insemination. Additionally, it will highlight research on the well-being of children raised in LGBTQ+ families, addressing misconceptions and emphasizing the importance of legal protections and societal support for these families.
Kerekasztal beszélgetés
13:05 - 13:25
This presentation will explore LGBT+ parenting in Hungary through a psychological lens, focusing on the unique challenges and strengths of LGBT+ families. It will examine the psychological well-being of both parents and children, addressing issues such as societal stigma, identity development, and family dynamics. The talk will also discuss the impact of legal and social constraints on mental health, as well as the resilience and coping mechanisms developed by LGBT+ parents and their children. By providing psychological insights, the presentation aims to shed light on the lived experiences of LGBT+ families in Hungary.
Ebéd szünet
13:25 - 14:00
Kerekasztal beszélgetés
14:00 - 14:50
This presentation will explore the evolving views within Judaism and Christianity on marriage equality, focusing on the ways in which religious perspectives on same-sex marriage have shifted over time. It will examine theological debates, scriptural interpretations, and the role of faith communities in either supporting or opposing LGBTQ+ rights. The talk will highlight the growing acceptance in certain religious circles and the tensions that remain between traditional beliefs and modern understandings of equality. By analyzing these changes, the presentation will offer insights into the intersection of faith, sexuality, and human rights.
Kerekasztal beszélgetés
14:50 - 15:50
This presentation will explore the role of activism in advancing the cause of same-sex marriage equality. It will focus on the strategies used by activists to change public opinion, influence policy, and secure legal victories for LGBTQ+ rights. By examining key moments in the fight for same-sex marriage, the talk will highlight how grassroots movements, advocacy campaigns, and public engagement have been instrumental in winning both hearts and minds, as well as achieving legal recognition and protection for same-sex couples. The presentation will offer a comprehensive look at the ongoing journey toward equality.
Kávé szünet
15:50 - 16:10
16:10 - 16:30
This presentation will explore the economic benefits of promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion in Hungary. It will examine how greater equality and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals can positively impact the country’s economic performance, from increased productivity and innovation to attracting international investments and talent. The talk will also analyze the costs of exclusion, including discrimination's negative effects on mental health, workplace performance, and social cohesion. By presenting data and case studies, the presentation will make a compelling argument for why fostering LGBTQ+ inclusion is not only a social imperative but also an economic opportunity for Hungary.
16:30 - 16:50
What can the right DEI strategy offer a workplace? How can small but significant steps transform the life of a work community? What are the ways to support LGBTQ+ members in feeling safe and protected? What advantages can a company gain when its leadership takes responsibility for creating an inclusive environment? What development opportunities lie behind inclusive design, and how can this impact an entire society—and the job market? An interactive presentation on WeAreOpen’s new publication.
Kerekasztal beszélgetés
16:50 - 17:40
Cím: CEU (Közép-európai Egyetem) - Budapest, Nádor u. 15.
Parkolás: Az egyetem épülete környékén több parkolóház és utcai parkolás is elérhető
Bejutás: Az esemény a központi auditóriumban lesz megrendezve, belépéshez a regisztráció kötelező
Házirend és szabályzat a belépésről, sajtónyilvánosságról és felvételek készítéséről.
Ez a rendezvény a Háttér Társaság támogatásával valósul meg.
A rendezvényen elhangzó vélemények, eredmények és következtetések a szerzőké, és nem feltétlen tükrözik a Háttér Társaság vagy további támogatóink álláspontját.
The event's simultaneous interpretation is made possible with the support of the Association of Freelance Translators and Interpreters.